Thursday, July 31, 2014

I just found this journal entry from where I left off on our month-long adventure on the West Coast last summer, dated exactly one year ago today.  

The Redwoods are amazing. Driving through forests, absolutely spectacular. A cool foggy, late July day that didn't break 65 degrees,unbelievable. The short drive from Crescent City to Eureka allowed us the time to do all sorts of touristy things. Even the dog rode the Gondola!

We rolled into Eureka around 5. Pleasantly surprised at our hotel room that has THREE queen beds. I still don't get one to myself, but Izzy & Juniper have a private room which certainly means a more peaceful sleep for everyone!We were just getting settled when the frantic search for Henry's laptop began. It was a short lived search because I knew we had left it on the bed in crescent city.I would let Henry take the blame for this if I hadn't been enabling him this entire trip ("i need to watch a movie on my laptop, get me some ketchup, fix my...") I cant even limit it to this trip. His entire life I've been trying to keep him happy. I even had the nerve to say angrily "I can not keep track of everyone's stuff any more!" With a few colorful adjectives thrown in. Just to have Colin say, "I've been taking care of all of my stuff" and Izzy didn't say it, but we both know that she is keeping track of her and Juniper's things. The reality is that this is a thing between me and my youngest, and it is time to change. 

Right after I get back from picking up the lost laptop in Crescent City. 

As a side note, I saw the most amazing sunset on my 3rd trip through North Humboldt County today.