Monday, July 12, 2010

Mt. Vernon

I am so touched by the stories of George Washington. This journey to Mt. Vernon was an amazing treat. The history is incredible, we got here early enough to avoid the crowds, and we had the chance to wander around the property in peace.

A month or more ago, Henry came home from school and declared that he didn't like George Washington because he had slaves. Since then I've been very sensitive to his opinion, it wasn't anything I was exposed to as a 2nd grader. I was happy to see that the expo at Mt. Vernon doesn't let Washington off the hook. In fact, they say he was brave enough to fight the revolutionary war (bullets, death, treason) and yet he wasn't brave enough to face his fellow slave owners in Virgina.

I learned a lot. I hope my kids did.

Henry didn't forget to wear his team Spain soccer shirt on this important day : )

George & Martha, Martha & George

On the road to Philadelphia

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